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The freedom of wild animals has no price
The freedom of wild animals has no price
Infographics | Fauna

Sticker aimed at tourists or non-residents to raise awareness about illegal wildlife trafficking.

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We celebrate World Wildlife Day at the airport in Iquitos
We celebrate World Wildlife Day at the airport in Iquitos
Events | Fauna

On March 3, a activation campaign for World Wildlife Day was carried out at the Iquitos airport, Francisco Secada Vignetta, by the European Union, USAID, and WCS, within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests and the "Conserving Together" project, with the aim of raising awareness among passengers on domestic flights about the importance of conserving species from the Peruvian Amazon.

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How to be a wildlife-friendly traveler?
How to be a wildlife-friendly traveler?
Infographics | Fauna

Banner aimed at tourists or non-residents to raise awareness about their behavior towards wild animals.

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Help protect wild animals
Help protect wild animals
Infographics | Fauna

Brochure aimed at tourists or non-residents with the goal of raising awareness about illegal wildlife trafficking.

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Newsletter Nº7. July - December 2022
Newsletter Nº7. July - December 2022
Newsletters | General

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Infographic – News report on wildlife trafficking in the Andean-amazon countries. Period July -December 2022
Infographic – News report on wildlife trafficking in the Andean-amazon countries. Period July -December 2022
Infographics | General

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1,617 live animals were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil in the second half of 2022
1,617 live animals were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil in the second half of 2022
News | Fauna

The report carried out by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) reveals that between July and December 2022, 192 news items were recorded about confiscations of live vertebrate wildlife, or its parts, of illegal origin, published on the information portals and social networks of the environmental authorities and government agencies.

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Workshops for the validation of protocols and technical standards related to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita" were held in Quito with the participation of different stakeholders
Workshops for the validation of protocols and technical standards related to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita" were held in Quito with the participation of different stakeholders
News | Fauna

On February 9 and 10 in Quito, the Biodiversity Directorate of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition (MAATE), with the support of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), organized and facilitated two spaces of discussion with representatives from public and private institutions, with the aim of socializing and validating the proposed protocols for the protection of wild animals in retention and seizure processes, and the technical standard to establish the minimum conditions that holders and caretakers of wild animals (means of conservation and ex situ management) must comply with in the country, in response to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita."

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Reflections on the challenges of environmental education in "Divergentes: Meeting of Education and Culture"
Reflections on the challenges of environmental education in "Divergentes: Meeting of Education and Culture"
News | Fauna

Guest panelists shared their experiences and projects related to environmental education and agreed on the need to promote diversified education, adapted to contexts, differentiated in its means and modalities, centered on learning, and appropriate to the various scenarios in which it takes place. Finally, WCS Ecuador shared information about the campaign "Tu Casa No Es Mi Hábitat" that seeks to raise awareness and discourage the purchase of wild animals as pets.

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