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Webinar III – Forest Surveillance, Monitoring and Control Systems
Webinar III – Forest Surveillance, Monitoring and Control Systems
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

The third webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Forest Control, Monitoring and Surveillance Systems" was a space to highlight the role of communities as key actors in forest control, monitoring and surveillance activities in the legal timber processes, in the four countries that are part of the initiative.

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Webinar II – National and regional consultation and dialogue platforms
Webinar II – National and regional consultation and dialogue platforms
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

"The second webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Platform for national and regional agreement and dialogue" made known the reflections from the perspective of the invited experts on the strategic actions of State-Society cooperation Civil, in legal timber processes in the four countries that are part of the initiative.

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5368 live wild animals, victims of trafficking, were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the first half of 2022
5368 live wild animals, victims of trafficking, were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the first half of 2022
News | Fauna

269 news about confiscations of live vertebrate wildlife, or its parts, of illegal origin, were registered between January and June of this year in the Andean-Amazonian countries. The report carried out by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) revealed 183 species involved among birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish, which continue to be the object of the illegal wildlife trade in these countries.

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Amazon Exposure 2022: Opportunities are presented for the development of forestry and wildlife in the Amazon
Amazon Exposure 2022: Opportunities are presented for the development of forestry and wildlife in the Amazon
News | General

The National Forestry and Wildlife Service in Peru presented the necessary advances to make the forestry and wildlife sector more competitive. With the support of the Alliance, the event was designed and the script and video were prepared on the advances in the sector and issues of timber traceability.

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Newsletter N°6. January to Jun 2022
Newsletter N°6. January to Jun 2022
Newsletters | Fauna Timber

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Webinar I – Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems
Webinar I – Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

The first webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems", presented the reflections from the perspective of the invited experts on the traceability systems of timber in four Latin American countries.

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Video for the International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2022 - Indigenous women "Guardians of Biodiversity"
Video for the International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2022 - Indigenous women "Guardians of Biodiversity"
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna

In the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge, indigenous women play a fundamental role. On a day like today, August 9, we commemorate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples and from the #AlianzaFaunaYBosques we highlight the importance of these women as guardians of biodiversity. Find out in this video the messages that some leaders have prepared for you.

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Moving toward the Second Action Plan of the National Strategy to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Peru
Moving toward the Second Action Plan of the National Strategy to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Peru
News | Fauna Trafficking

About thirty institutions of the public sector and civil society participate in this collaborative procedure to reduce the illegal trade of wildlife in Peru.

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Summary of progress and results for 2021 – The Alliance for Wildlife and Forests.
Summary of progress and results for 2021 – The Alliance for Wildlife and Forests.
Reports and Publications | Forests

The Alliance presents the summary of the main advances and results obtained during the third year of its implementation. This document compiled the achievements of its coordination work with allies from government agencies and civil society in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and the triple border with Brazil.

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