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The meaning of the jaguar for the Tacana people of Bolivia
The meaning of the jaguar for the Tacana people of Bolivia
Audiovisual Material | Fauna

Learn about the testimonies of Yacira, Berónica and Alex, prominent representatives of the Bolivian indigenous community who raise their voices in favor of jaguar conservation. Watch the video here.

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Good forestry practices: Yaminoa Native Community
Audiovisual Material | Timber

The forestry sector is one of the main economic activities in Ucayali. More than 2.5 million hectares are destined for forest use and there are more than 300 wood processing companies. How can we recognize if these companies comply with the regulations to ensure the standing forest? By using tools such as trading books.

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Relevant information on wildlife trafficking was disseminated during 2022
Relevant information on wildlife trafficking was disseminated during 2022
News | General

WCS in collaboration with the Biosphere Institute of USFQ implemented three spaces of scientific dissemination through the Cycle of Conferences and Biosphere Conservatories, in articulation with two regional projects financed by the European Union and USAID.

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Contribution of the Forest Sector, challenges, proposals, actions with results: Consolidated Report of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Contribution of the Forest Sector, challenges, proposals, actions with results: Consolidated Report of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Reports and Publications | Forests

Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru, four countries of the Amazon basin, made national reports where they recorded their main findings, recommendations, lessons learned, and reflections about the challenge to reduce timber trafficking in the region and promote the trade of legal timber.

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Five main challenges to continue fighting illegal timber trafficking in the Andean-Amazon countries
Five main challenges to continue fighting illegal timber trafficking in the Andean-Amazon countries
News | Timber

An exercise was developed to study the processes and mechanisms that have been built in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, in order to combat illegal timber trafficking and promote its trade of legal origin, thanks to the participation of nine initiatives from governments, civil society, the private sector, and international cooperation. These challenges are: promoting greater training to use traceability systems, cross-border monitoring, and strengthening capacities for local communities, among others.

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First cross-border meeting of environmental authorities from Colombia and Peru to promote trade in legally sourced timber
First cross-border meeting of environmental authorities from Colombia and Peru to promote trade in legally sourced timber
News | Timber
Perú Y Colombia

From 21 until 23 of august, in the city of Leticia-Colombia, was carried out the first meeting among environmental authorities from Colombia and Peru. The aim of this event was to coordinate actions to achieve cooperation alliances to improve forestal management and forest products trade, seeking a sustainable route and legally sourced timber among both countries.

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Government socialized the update of the Regulations for Wild Fauna Custody Centers
Government socialized the update of the Regulations for Wild Fauna Custody Centers
Events | Fauna

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Indigenous custodians of forests and wildlife strengthen their capacities for their accreditation
Indigenous custodians of forests and wildlife strengthen their capacities for their accreditation
News | Timber

The native communities of Masenawa, Puerto Luz, Sonene, Tres Islas, Bélgica, and Barranco Chico, participated in the "Training Workshop for the accreditation of forest custodians" on September 21 and 22, 2022, where they strengthened their knowledge of forest legislation and developed competencies in the control and surveillance for the safeguarding of the forests and wildlife heritage, in accordance with the guidelines for recognition or accreditation as Custodians of the Forests and Wildlife Heritage of the Nation.

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Art Walk: International 3D Art Festival for Biodiversity in Ecuador
Art Walk: International 3D Art Festival for Biodiversity in Ecuador
Events Audiovisual Material | Fauna

In August, Ecuador hosted the first international 3D art festival inspired by nature, an innovative cultural proposal that took place inside a shopping center in Quito, and combined a passion for art and biodiversity, with the aim of to generate social awareness about the need to protect and care for wild species that are in danger of extinction and threatened by crimes such as wildlife trafficking. Relive the first edition of Art Walk 3D.

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