About Us

© WCS Colombia

What we do?

Articulated strategy

Articulated strategy

The Alliance seeks to address the issues of wildlife and wood trafficking under an articulated, intersectoral and cross-border strategy, thus contributing to mitigate these threats whose impacts are environmental, economic, social, and public health.
Regional Cooperative

Regional Cooperative

Regionally, the objective of the Alliance is to promote cross-border and trans-regional cooperation by ensuring a common understanding of the current situation and threats of wildlife trafficking, sharing experiences and information with and between national entities and countries in the region, and other regions, such as Asia.
Exchange of initiatives

Exchange of initiatives

Finally, it is intended to promote synergies and exchange with other initiatives financed by the European Union within the framework of its Action Plan against Trafficking in Wildlife and the program for the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT for its acronym in English).