The Alliance

The Andean-Amazon countries are home to a great biological and cultural diversity that provides indispensable environmental goods and services; however, this diversity is threatened by the advance of the agricultural frontier, the continuous construction of highways, the development of extractive and large infrastructure projects, and the increasing illegal and unsustainable extraction of wildlife and timber.




The formation of the Alliance

In this scenario, the Alliance for Wild Fauna and Forests was formed, a four-year regional action. Which begins in 2019, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It seeks to improve the involvement and participation of civil society to strengthen the application and compliance of the law to fight against wildlife and wood trafficking, as well as cooperation with and between the authorities of Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru and the two tri-borders with Brazil (Colombia – Peru – Brazil and Peru – Bolivia – Brazil).
The formation of the Alliance

A different initiative

Unlike other initiatives that address wildlife and timber trafficking, in these countries, the Alliance uses a set of actions to combat these issues at the same time, recognizing that many of the key actors and authorities working in these thematic areas coincide in the idea that they affect the same groups of people (mostly rural communities), using the same trafficking routes, and it is very likely that they have overlapping networks. That is why WCS and WWF join forces to contribute with their experiences to addressing the wildlife and wood trafficking in the Andean-Amazonian countries.
A different initiative