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International Jaguar Day
International Jaguar Day
Campaigns | Fauna

To put the issue of jaguar trafficking in the social and daily debate through messages that highlight its ecological, cultural, and conservation value, and at the same time, make visible the threats it faces, this campaign was developed through influencers in social networks.

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The First Training Workshop for the Identification and Management of Confiscated Wild Animals was organized in Pucallpa, Peru
The First Training Workshop for the Identification and Management of Confiscated Wild Animals was organized in Pucallpa, Peru
News | Fauna Fauna Trafficking

On November 3, 4, and 5, the training workshop for the taxonomic identification, containment and management of wildlife species seized or found abandoned was held, aimed at officials of the Wildlife Management Offices of the Loreto and Ucayali regions, as part of the activities of the Regional Government of Ucayali for the National Forestry Week, which takes place the first week of November of each year.

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Trafficking is everywhere
Trafficking is everywhere
Campaigns | Fauna

Trafficking is not only in the seizures made by the authorities at customs. Trafficking live among us. It is in the parrot or turtle we have as a pet, it is in the bushmeat that is irregularly sold in the markets, and it is in the feathers, teeth, or shells that are part of the souvenirs that we buy on our trips. Trafficking is everywhere! This campaign is implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society Peru, within the framework of the Alliance of Wildlife and Forests.

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Podcast Beats of the Forest
Podcast Beats of the Forest
Campaigns | Forests Timber

A collaboration between the National Forest and Wildlife Service of Peru (SERFOR) and WWF within the framework of the Fauna and Forests Alliance was held from November 27 to April 27, 2022. It talks about the forest, and the benefits it provides us, and as the episodes pass we will talk more in-depth about the wood and the whole process of its traceability.

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The First International Meeting of Canine Guides for the detection of Wild Fauna: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia reinforce their knowledge to work with canine guides to detect wild fauna
The First International Meeting of Canine Guides for the detection of Wild Fauna: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia reinforce their knowledge to work with canine guides to detect wild fauna
News | Fauna

By the slogan "Binomials committed to the protection of wildlife" exchanged experiences and learning about the use of canine guides for the detection of fauna, subject to the illegal wildlife trade. Articulation between sectors and institutions is an important aspect for its protection.

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Peruvian Timber, a resource to construct a sustainable country
Peruvian Timber, a resource to construct a sustainable country
News | Timber Timber trafficking

Peru is the second country with the largest extension of forests in Latin America. For this reason, during the last forum "Wood and finishes for sustainability in construction" organized by ADEX, PromPerú and WWF, with the support of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests financed by the European Union, it was shared with the public the timber potential that Peru offers and the efforts of different actors to ensure its legal and sustainable origin.

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Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction
Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction
Events Audiovisual Material Multimedia Webinars | Timber

The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERU), The Exporters Association of Peru (ADEX), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, financed by the European Union, invites you to see the "Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction".

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Training for local communicators in Bolivia
Training for local communicators in Bolivia
Events Webinars Multimedia Audiovisual Material | Fauna

Within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, training was carried out for local communicators to create a network of local communicators from communities that are from municipalities linked by protected areas, to develop campaigns and disseminate information on the prevention of trafficking of wildlife and timber in their media.

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National workshop to update knowledge on environmental crimes of the UNPAMB is carried out with the support of WCS Ecuador
National workshop to update knowledge on environmental crimes of the UNPAMB is carried out with the support of WCS Ecuador
Events | Fauna Forests

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