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On World Wildlife Day, guardians of the forests have a message
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna

Yacira Cartagena, representative of the San Miguel del Bala community, TCO Tacana, reminds us of the importance of conserving biodiversity and supporting indigenous peoples in the defense of forests.

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Ucayali: The National Forest Service of Peru presents a training program for community forest management
Ucayali: The National Forest Service of Peru presents a training program for community forest management
Webinars Events Multimedia | Forests Timber

The National Forest Service of Peru (SERFOR) of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation presented an intercultural training program for community forest management to contribute to developing and strengthening technical capacities in indigenous communities about sustainable management of forest resources.

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Ucayali: SERFOR presents Training Program for Community Forest Management
Ucayali: SERFOR presents Training Program for Community Forest Management
Events | Forests Timber

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Media Report on Wildlife Trafficking in the Andes-Amazon region – July to December 2020 period
Media Report on Wildlife Trafficking in the Andes-Amazon region – July to December 2020 period
Infographics | Fauna

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Newsletter N°3. July to December 2020
Newsletter N°3. July to December 2020
Newsletters | General

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Virtual discussion “Conservation of the jaguar, opportunities, and challenges from the international articulation”
Virtual discussion “Conservation of the jaguar, opportunities, and challenges from the international articulation”
Multimedia Webinars | Fauna

Space for exchange and reflection between international experts involved in initiatives to deal with the threats faced by this feline. With the participation of representatives of the CITES Secretariat, The Transnational Crime Assistance Program Organized (El PAcCTO), and Wildlife Conservation Society experts.

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Jaguars forever
Jaguars forever
Infographics | Fauna

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Campaigns | Fauna

Within the framework of the Jaguar International Day, this campaign on social networks uses a play on words and phonetics in English to ask the jaguar how it is doing, giving space to a series of data on this species, its main threats, and information on the efforts that are being done to protect it in the region.

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Compendium of instruments for the regulation of biodiversity management
Compendium of instruments for the regulation of biodiversity management
Reports and Publications | Fauna

The Ministry of Environment and Water, with the support of Wildlife Conservation Society Bolivia, through the Alliance for Wild Fauna and Forests, published this compendium of Laws and Supreme Decrees in force concerning the regulations of biodiversity management.

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