

Webinar for International Jaguar Day 2022
Webinars Multimedia Events | Fauna

On November 29, 2022, the webinar "Illegal trade on the Internet: a new threat to the jaguar and the cultural identity of the Andean-Amazonian countries" was held with the aim of making visible the importance of the jaguar in the face of the growing threat of trafficking. online that it faces, which affects the survival of the species and its representation in the cultural identity of the Andean-Amazonian countries.

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Video for the International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2022 - Indigenous women "Guardians of Biodiversity"
Video for the International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2022 - Indigenous women "Guardians of Biodiversity"
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna

In the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge, indigenous women play a fundamental role. On a day like today, August 9, we commemorate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples and from the #AlianzaFaunaYBosques we highlight the importance of these women as guardians of biodiversity. Find out in this video the messages that some leaders have prepared for you.

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Xylotron at II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Xylotron at II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Events Multimedia Webinars |

As an advance in the control and prevention of illegal flora trafficking, Xilotron is a technological tool for rapid identification of timber, which detects the type of species it is and thus helps determine if its origin is legal. This tool was unveiled at the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade.

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Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction
Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction
Events Audiovisual Material Multimedia Webinars | Timber

The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERU), The Exporters Association of Peru (ADEX), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, financed by the European Union, invites you to see the "Forum: Timber and finishes to get sustainability in construction".

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Training for local communicators in Bolivia
Training for local communicators in Bolivia
Events Webinars Multimedia Audiovisual Material | Fauna

Within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, training was carried out for local communicators to create a network of local communicators from communities that are from municipalities linked by protected areas, to develop campaigns and disseminate information on the prevention of trafficking of wildlife and timber in their media.

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Indigenous people and their important role in decision-making to conserve biodiversity
Multimedia Webinars Events | General

For the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, the importance of the fundamental role of indigenous people in participation and decision-making for the conservation of biodiversity in the countries of the region was made known, from the perspectives of representatives of indigenous communities, through their experiences and ancestral knowledge.

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The route towards the competitiveness of the forestry sector
The route towards the competitiveness of the forestry sector
Events Audiovisual Material Multimedia Webinars | Timber

This forum allows to make visible the efforts of the Regional Government of Ucayali in Peru, to achieve the competitiveness of the forestry sector with a sustainable approach.

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Training program in Indigenous Territorial Governance
Training program in Indigenous Territorial Governance
Events Multimedia Audiovisual Material | Forests

Indigenous peoples are guardians of the forests, therefore, this program seeks to improve the capacities of indigenous leaders to manage their territories and mitigate threats.

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Strengthening global alliances to combat wildlife crime
Multimedia Webinars Events | General

During the European Development Days #EDD21 panelists from Latin America and Asia shared their challenges, successes, and new opportunities to combat wildlife crime more effectively through greater cooperation between various sectors.

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