
Audiovisual Material

Closing Event and Presentation of Results of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests
Audiovisual Material | General

The main results and achievements of the joint efforts between WCS and WWF, with the support of the European Union, to combat wildlife trafficking and promote legally sourced wood in the region were presented.

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Combating Wildlife Trafficking: Allies in Action
Audiovisual Material | Fauna
Colombia y Ecuador

This video shows us that amplifying the impact of actions is possible when working with our allies, whether they are authorities, civil society organizations, or indigenous communities. We share with you a small part of those stories and testimonies that are part of our work to combat wildlife trafficking within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, with real testimonials from Ecuador and Colombia.

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Ambassador of the European Union in Peru visits the Loreto region
Ambassador of the European Union in Peru visits the Loreto region
Audiovisual Material | Fauna Trafficking Forests

The visit of the European Union Ambassador in Peru, Gaspar Frontini, to the Loreto region was a journey full of learning about the region's conservation initiatives and those experiences supported under the regional project #AlianzaFaunaYBosques that combat wildlife trafficking and promote legally sourced timber.

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Legal timber, a safe path for forests
Audiovisual Material | Forests Timber

Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru have joined efforts to find solutions to timber trafficking, involving local stakeholders to promote the legal timber route. Ending bad forestry practices in the Amazon is the best way to combat this threat.

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Activation at the Iquitos airport for World Wildlife Day
Activation at the Iquitos airport for World Wildlife Day
Audiovisual Material | Fauna

Video broadcast on social networks to inform about the activation carried out for World Wildlife Day.

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The meaning of the jaguar for the Tacana people of Bolivia
The meaning of the jaguar for the Tacana people of Bolivia
Audiovisual Material | Fauna

Learn about the testimonies of Yacira, Berónica and Alex, prominent representatives of the Bolivian indigenous community who raise their voices in favor of jaguar conservation. Watch the video here.

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Good forestry practices: Yaminoa Native Community
Audiovisual Material | Timber

The forestry sector is one of the main economic activities in Ucayali. More than 2.5 million hectares are destined for forest use and there are more than 300 wood processing companies. How can we recognize if these companies comply with the regulations to ensure the standing forest? By using tools such as trading books.

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Art Walk: International 3D Art Festival for Biodiversity in Ecuador
Art Walk: International 3D Art Festival for Biodiversity in Ecuador
Events Audiovisual Material | Fauna

In August, Ecuador hosted the first international 3D art festival inspired by nature, an innovative cultural proposal that took place inside a shopping center in Quito, and combined a passion for art and biodiversity, with the aim of to generate social awareness about the need to protect and care for wild species that are in danger of extinction and threatened by crimes such as wildlife trafficking. Relive the first edition of Art Walk 3D.

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Video on the Indigenous Forest Oversight Offices
Audiovisual Material | Timber

Forest oversight offices are technical instances within indigenous organizations and native communities, led by their community members, who advise on the comprehensive management of communal territories and forests. They were created by the indigenous peoples themselves with the aim of maintaining survival in their territories.

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