

Webinar III – Forest Surveillance, Monitoring and Control Systems
Webinar III – Forest Surveillance, Monitoring and Control Systems
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

The third webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Forest Control, Monitoring and Surveillance Systems" was a space to highlight the role of communities as key actors in forest control, monitoring and surveillance activities in the legal timber processes, in the four countries that are part of the initiative.

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Webinar II – National and regional consultation and dialogue platforms
Webinar II – National and regional consultation and dialogue platforms
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

"The second webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Platform for national and regional agreement and dialogue" made known the reflections from the perspective of the invited experts on the strategic actions of State-Society cooperation Civil, in legal timber processes in the four countries that are part of the initiative.

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Webinar I – Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems
Webinar I – Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems
Events Audiovisual Material | Timber

The first webinar of the series "The Challenges of Legal Timber", called "Cooperation mechanisms in traceability systems", presented the reflections from the perspective of the invited experts on the traceability systems of timber in four Latin American countries.

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Presentation of the Podcast “Latidos del Bosque”
Presentation of the Podcast “Latidos del Bosque”
Events Webinars | Forests Timber

On July 6, a webinar was held for the presentation of the Podcast "Beats of the Forests" organized by the National Forestry and Wildlife Service of MINAGRI together with WWF Peru within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests. This event shared about the importance of podcasts as a tool to raise awareness about forest conservation and also included the participation of the protagonists of the stories of the second season.

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State Actors and Civil Society Organizations discussed Illicit Timber Traffic
State Actors and Civil Society Organizations discussed Illicit Timber Traffic
Events | Forests Timber

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First national meeting of indigenous forest oversight, control and surveillance
First national meeting of indigenous forest oversight, control and surveillance
Events | Forests Timber Timber trafficking

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The Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber present at the Interzum Bogotá fair
The Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber present at the Interzum Bogotá fair
Events | Forests Timber Timber trafficking

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Xylotron at II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Xylotron at II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Events Multimedia Webinars |

As an advance in the control and prevention of illegal flora trafficking, Xilotron is a technological tool for rapid identification of timber, which detects the type of species it is and thus helps determine if its origin is legal. This tool was unveiled at the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade.

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Training with the community of Mocagua and the Amacayacu National Natural Park in Colombia
Training with the community of Mocagua and the Amacayacu National Natural Park in Colombia
Events | Forests Fauna

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