


Intercultural Amazon Forum brought together indigenous leaders and authorities to discuss the sustainable management of indigenous territories in Peru
Intercultural Amazon Forum brought together indigenous leaders and authorities to discuss the sustainable management of indigenous territories in Peru
News | General

Guaranteeing indigenous rights is essential for the sustainable management of the Amazon was the conclusion of the Intercultural Amazon Forum "Governance for Good Living", held within the framework of Amazon Exposure 2022, which took place from August 18 to 21, in Chachapoyas, Amazon region. The event had three sessions and the participation of representatives of national indigenous organizations, state institutions and civil society organizations.

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Training youth that will lead the Amazon
Training youth that will lead the Amazon
News | Timber

33 indigenous leaders belonging to 5 indigenous peoples (Asheninka, Yine, Amawuaca, Shipibo-konibo and Ashaninka), from 18 communities, are highly trained to teach their community about forest management in their territories. Especially young people between 12 and 16 years of age.

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The chelonians, threatened by illegal consumption, are little known by adolescents in Manaus-Brazil, according to research
The chelonians, threatened by illegal consumption, are little known by adolescents in Manaus-Brazil, according to research
News | Fauna

As part of the first stage of the "Juntos por los Quelonios" project, WCS conducted a survey with students between the ages of 12 and 17, from public and private schools in the capital of Amazonas, which revealed that they have little knowledge about turtles in the Amazon and its predatory exploitation for food, making its conservation difficult. These results will be the basis for a forthcoming campaign to combat the trafficking of wild animals.

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First Regional Border Meeting of Environmental Authorities is held between Peru and Colombia
First Regional Border Meeting of Environmental Authorities is held between Peru and Colombia
News | General

The meeting that took place from August 21 to 23 in the city of Leticia - Colombia, had the objective of coordinating actions for the generation of cooperation alliances between said authorities that are in charge of regulating sustainable forest management and the trade of forest products , in order to review the meeting points between the two countries and thus promote trade in timber of legal origin between Colombia and Peru.

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5368 live wild animals, victims of trafficking, were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the first half of 2022
5368 live wild animals, victims of trafficking, were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the first half of 2022
News | Fauna

269 news about confiscations of live vertebrate wildlife, or its parts, of illegal origin, were registered between January and June of this year in the Andean-Amazonian countries. The report carried out by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) revealed 183 species involved among birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish, which continue to be the object of the illegal wildlife trade in these countries.

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Amazon Exposure 2022: Opportunities are presented for the development of forestry and wildlife in the Amazon
Amazon Exposure 2022: Opportunities are presented for the development of forestry and wildlife in the Amazon
News | General

The National Forestry and Wildlife Service in Peru presented the necessary advances to make the forestry and wildlife sector more competitive. With the support of the Alliance, the event was designed and the script and video were prepared on the advances in the sector and issues of timber traceability.

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Moving toward the Second Action Plan of the National Strategy to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Peru
Moving toward the Second Action Plan of the National Strategy to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Peru
News | Fauna Trafficking

About thirty institutions of the public sector and civil society participate in this collaborative procedure to reduce the illegal trade of wildlife in Peru.

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The model of the communities that protect the biodiversity of the forests
The model of the communities that protect the biodiversity of the forests
News | Forests Timber

Transforming social and economic systems to live in harmony with nature and life is one of the themes with which World Environment Day is celebrated today. That is why we show you the example of several peasant communities that bet on community forestry as a model of conservation of forest biodiversity, an economic livelihood for their families, and an option for empowering their communities.

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The podcast “Heartbeats of the Forest” connects citizens with the responsible consumption of timber
The podcast “Heartbeats of the Forest” connects citizens with the responsible consumption of timber
News | Timber Timber trafficking

The second season of “Heartbeats of the Forest” was created, the first podcast produced by the National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), in conjunction with WWF Peru. People will learn to become informed citizens committed to the responsible consumption of timber. The nine episodes recount the step-by-step, from the moment a tree is extracted from the forest, until it is finally commercialized and reaches homes converted into furniture, floors, etc.

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