


Podcast "Latidos del Bosque" - Second Season
Podcast "Latidos del Bosque" - Second Season
Campaigns | Timber trafficking

The second season of “Latidos del Bosque” was created, the first podcast produced by the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), in conjunction with WWF-Peru. People will learn to become informed citizens committed to the responsible consumption of wood. The nine episodes tell the story step by step, from when a tree is extracted from the forest, until it is finally marketed and reaches homes turned into furniture, floors, etc.

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Choose native woods and live in harmony with the forest
Choose native woods and live in harmony with the forest
Campaigns | Timber

This campaign raises awareness among the general public about the positive impact they can have on the forests of the Peruvian Amazon by choosing native Amazonian timber. Through the dissemination of 15 infographics created in conjunction with CITEForestal.

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Your house’s not my habitat
Your house’s not my habitat
Campaigns | Fauna

Is a campaign with civil society to discourage the purchase and sale of wildlife during the Christmas season, which turns them into gift objects and pets. Consisted of the dissemination of stories of animals treated as pets suffering physical and behavioral consequences. This campaign is implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society Ecuador, within the framework of the Alliance of Wildlife and Forests.

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International Jaguar Day
International Jaguar Day
Campaigns | Fauna

To put the issue of jaguar trafficking in the social and daily debate through messages that highlight its ecological, cultural, and conservation value, and at the same time, make visible the threats it faces, this campaign was developed through influencers in social networks.

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Trafficking is everywhere
Trafficking is everywhere
Campaigns | Fauna

Trafficking is not only in the seizures made by the authorities at customs. Trafficking live among us. It is in the parrot or turtle we have as a pet, it is in the bushmeat that is irregularly sold in the markets, and it is in the feathers, teeth, or shells that are part of the souvenirs that we buy on our trips. Trafficking is everywhere! This campaign is implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society Peru, within the framework of the Alliance of Wildlife and Forests.

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Podcast Beats of the Forest
Podcast Beats of the Forest
Campaigns | Forests Timber

A collaboration between the National Forest and Wildlife Service of Peru (SERFOR) and WWF within the framework of the Fauna and Forests Alliance was held from November 27 to April 27, 2022. It talks about the forest, and the benefits it provides us, and as the episodes pass we will talk more in-depth about the wood and the whole process of its traceability.

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Especies vulnerables al tráfico: campaña en redes sociales para la protección del jaguar
Especies vulnerables al tráfico: campaña en redes sociales para la protección del jaguar
Campaigns | Fauna

This digital campaign aimed to raise awareness about the important role that the jaguar plays in protecting the habitats where it lives, its cultural value, as well as the impact of the threats it faces in Bolivia, including the trafficking of its parts such as claws and fangs. Campaing implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society in Bolivia.

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Haikus contra el tráfico de vida silvestre
Haikus contra el tráfico de vida silvestre
Campaigns | Fauna

This campaign has been developed to raise awareness about this threat that puts the mega-diversity of Bolivia at risk. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry often inspired by biodiversity, so through this popular poetic genre, we sought to raise awareness and call out the growing illegal trade.

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Campaigns | Fauna

Within the framework of the Jaguar International Day, this campaign on social networks uses a play on words and phonetics in English to ask the jaguar how it is doing, giving space to a series of data on this species, its main threats, and information on the efforts that are being done to protect it in the region.

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