

Why should we not consume wildlife? “Your house’s not my habitat”
Why should we not consume wildlife? “Your house’s not my habitat”
News | Fauna

We want to share with you some reasons why you shouldn't eat meat of wildlife, not only because is illegal, threatens the survival of endangered species, and reduces wild population sizes, but also because by doing so you can contract zoonotic diseases and don't exist scientific studies that support beliefs of its supposed healing powers.

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Peru has the opportunity to lead the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking in South America
Peru has the opportunity to lead the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking in South America
News | Fauna

International specialists agree that Peru, being one of the megadiverse countries, is a target for this crime that manages to move sums similar to other transnational crimes such as drug trafficking and the illegal arms trade.

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“Your house’s not my habitat” – Commit yourself to wildlife!
“Your house’s not my habitat” – Commit yourself to wildlife!
News | Fauna

Every year, thousands of wildlife are taken from their natural habitats to be traded as pets, to be consumed as exotic foods or to use their parts as supposed medicinal remedies, amulets or decorative and collectible objects. So we need to come together to change this reality, highlight the threats to wildlife and take action to eliminate these behaviors that threaten biodiversity and people's health. Join the campaign!

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Conceptual socialization of the Bolivian System of Forest Certification and Incentives (SBCBI) as a tool to prevent illegal timber trafficking in the region
Conceptual socialization of the Bolivian System of Forest Certification and Incentives (SBCBI) as a tool to prevent illegal timber trafficking in the region
News | Timber trafficking

With the objective of strengthening the forestry sector in the region, WWF Bolivia, within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, financed by the European Union, carried out a workshop for the exchange of experiences on the conceptualization process of the System Bolivian Certification of Forests and Incentives (SBCBI), an experience promoted by the State, conceived, articulated and agreed with Civil Society Organizations.

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“Your house is not my habitat”: a campaign to discourage the wildlife trafficking in Ecuador
“Your house is not my habitat”: a campaign to discourage the wildlife trafficking in Ecuador
News | Fauna Fauna Trafficking

The campaign "YOUR HOUSE IS NOT MY HABITAT", coordinated by the Wildlife Conservation Society Ecuador and the Quito Zoo, seeks to raise awareness among people so that they change their behavior and do not buy wild animals as pets. The campaign "YOUR HOUSE IS NOT MY HABITAT", coordinated by the Wildlife Conservation Society Ecuador and the Quito Zoo, seeks to raise awareness among people so that they change their behavior and do not buy wild animals as pets. Christmas is a time of the year in which wildlife seizures intensify due to the commission of this illegal activity by citizens.

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The Chiquitano Dry Forest Guardians in Bolivia face “pirates” and hunters with the vision of new challenges
The Chiquitano Dry Forest Guardians in Bolivia face “pirates” and hunters with the vision of new challenges
News | Timber

The population of five indigenous communities protect their forests from threats such as poaching and illegal logging. They understood that the profits left by sustainable activities are interesting and they look for other alternatives.

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Let’s celebrate International Jaguar Day by sending messages that promote its conservation
Let’s celebrate International Jaguar Day by sending messages that promote its conservation
News | Fauna

November 29th marks The International Jaguar Day, a date to celebrate the existence of this big feline and remember the important ecological role it also plays for the health of nature on which our survival depends, but to learn about the threats that It faces, such as the loss of its habitat, its illegal trade, persecution due to conflicts with human activities and the decrease in the populations of its prey.

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Podcast: Heartbeats of the Forest
Podcast: Heartbeats of the Forest
News | Timber

It is the first podcast of the Peruvian State, specifically of the National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) about our forests, ecosystems and all the wildlife it houses. In each episode, through stories, testimonials, and interviews, we will tell you about the experiences of the Peruvian communities that use in a sustainable way our wealth of wild fauna and flora, ensuring its conservation and benefits for current and future populations.

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Peru and Colombia join forces to stop timber trafficking
Peru and Colombia join forces to stop timber trafficking
News | Timber

In Leticia, Amazonas, between November 8 and 10, 2021, 21 members of the local and national government, non-governmental organizations, cooperation institutions and civil society met to define strategies that help strengthen legal, fair and sustainable forest trade in the border area between Peru (Loreto region) and Colombia (Amazonas department)

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