


Conversation on the rights of nature and animals as subjects of rights was organized in Ecuador
Conversation on the rights of nature and animals as subjects of rights was organized in Ecuador
News | Fauna

On March 4 in Quito, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in coordination with the Biodiversity Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE), facilitated and supported the development of the Conversation "Sentence on the rights of nature and animals as subjects of rights, “Mona Estrellita” case, as part of the activities carried out within the framework of the celebrations for World Wildlife Day.

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Bicycling for the World Wildlife Day 2022
Bicycling for the World Wildlife Day 2022
News | Fauna

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), within the framework of the actions of its regional project "Alliance for Wild Fauna and Forests" financed by the European Union, this day announces the third edition of the Bicycling for World Wildlife Day, an event co-organized with Animal Protection Ecuador (PAE Ecuador) and the Quito Zoo, in collaboration with citizen groups and conservation organizations in Quito, Guayaquil, Riobamba, Ibarra and Tena.

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A new pact for legal timber in Colombia: The new phase of the Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber (PIMLC) is signed
A new pact for legal timber in Colombia: The new phase of the Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber (PIMLC) is signed
News | Forests Timber

The Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber in Colombia (PIMLC) is one of the most recognized forest governance initiatives in Latin America and now, after twelve years of existence, it is renewed to continue building the legal and sustainable timber market in the country. In December 2021, the new phase of the PIMLC was built. We remind you to learn about this initiative and its importance for the country's forestry sector.

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More than 1,800 live individuals of 217 species of wildlife were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the last semester of 2021
More than 1,800 live individuals of 217 species of wildlife were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the last semester of 2021
News | Fauna

Between July and December 2021, 348 news about seizures of the wildlife of illegal origin were registered, with 217 species involved. The report by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) reveals that birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish continue to be the object of the illegal wildlife trade in the Andean-Amazonian countries.

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Regional systematization of Actions on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) of the European Union and other initiatives
Regional systematization of Actions on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) of the European Union and other initiatives
News | Forests Timber

Within the framework of this project, a systematization process was developed aimed at identifying lessons learned from experiences to strengthen forest governance, which have been implemented in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. People and institutions from various sectors participated in this systematization: government, civil society and international cooperation organizations, as well as the private timber sector.

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Officials responsible for wildlife management at the national level strengthened their operational capacities with the support of WCS Ecuador
Officials responsible for wildlife management at the national level strengthened their operational capacities with the support of WCS Ecuador
News | Fauna

Between 6 and 10 December 2021, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE), facilitated and supported the development of the VI Annual Workshop for Wildlife Managers, within the framework of its projects focused on combating wildlife trafficking financed by the United States Government and the European Union.

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WCS Ecuador kicked off 2022 with new SMART training in the south of the country in Loja, Ecuador
WCS Ecuador kicked off 2022 with new SMART training in the south of the country in Loja, Ecuador
News | Fauna

These sessions were held between 12 and 19 January and were aimed at park rangers from the Podocarpus National Park. Currently, 26 protected areas already work with this control and surveillance tool made official in 2020 by the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE).

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New website with key information on combating wildlife and timber trafficking in the Andean-Amazonian countries is available to the public
New website with key information on combating wildlife and timber trafficking in the Andean-Amazonian countries is available to the public
News | Fauna Timber

The Alliance for Wildlife and Forests has developed a digital platform that shares activities, advances, and outcomes about this regional action to combat wildlife and timber trafficking in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brasil.

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Workshop to strengthen the detection and control of wildlife trafficking with National Parks of Colombia
Workshop to strengthen the detection and control of wildlife trafficking with National Parks of Colombia
News | Fauna

The WCS Colombia team, in coordination with National Natural Parks, held a workshop to strengthen the detection and control of illegal wildlife trafficking through the use of the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) patrolling module that will support the collection of information from the Single Control Act to Illegal Trafficking of Wild Flora and Fauna.

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