


Do you know the five strategic lines of work of the legal timber pact in Colombia? Read this article
Do you know the five strategic lines of work of the legal timber pact in Colombia? Read this article
News | Timber trafficking Timber

Thanks to the articulated work between Minambiente, WWF Colombia and the 16 public-private entities that make up the committee of the Intersectoral Agreement for Legal Timber in Colombia (PIMLC), the initiative that seeks to promote the legal timber trade in the country, has an official document for its second phase, which will begin at the end of 2021, to meet government commitments between now and 2030.

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A new phase for the pact for legal timber in Colombia
A new phase for the pact for legal timber in Colombia
News | Timber trafficking Timber

In December 2021, phase 2.0 of the Intersectoral Agreement for Legal Timber in Colombia was signed. This week, at the Interzum Fair, it launched its official document for this new phase, in which the commitments and its new course of action to promote legal timber trade in the country are set out. We invite you to learn about this initiative and its importance to the country's forestry sector.

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Peru in the race against illegal wildlife trafficking
Peru in the race against illegal wildlife trafficking
News | Fauna

In the session held on April 27, the Peruvian Congress's Justice and Human Rights Commission unanimously approved the prediction that seeks to include the illegal trafficking of wildlife species within the scope of the Law Against Organized Crime, Law 3200. The plenary session of the Congress of the Republic is responsible for the final decision that could guarantee the protection of wildlife.

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Banks and transporters agree to fight the illegal wildlife trade
Banks and transporters agree to fight the illegal wildlife trade
News | Forests Fauna Timber

Within the framework of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade, companies from the financial and air transport sectors joined the fight against wildlife trafficking. The financial institutions signed six commitments and recognized the devastating impact of the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) and stated that they will not facilitate or tolerate financial flows resulting from the IWT and associated corruption.

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Progress and achievements of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Progress and achievements of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
News | Fauna

At the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade, the financial sector and new companies in the Colombian transport sector signed the Buckingham Palace and Mansion House declarations, joining the fight against species trafficking. In addition, progress in the implementation of the commitments of the Lima Declaration of 2019 was reviewed, and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) had outstanding participation of panelists.

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Reflections of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
Reflections of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
News | Fauna

The II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade, which brought together governments, control agencies, financiers, civil society organizations, experts, representatives of indigenous peoples and community organizations, among other participants, has proven to be an important forum to maintain interest, reinforce the commitments made by governments during the First Conference of 2019 -through the Lima Declaration- and identify areas where actions to combat wildlife trafficking can be strengthened.

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Forestry sector will be promoted through the signing of an inter-institutional agreement in Peru
Forestry sector will be promoted through the signing of an inter-institutional agreement in Peru
News | Forests Timber

The Technological Institute of Production (ITP), a body attached to the Ministry of Production (Produce), through CITEmadera Lima, created an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with WWF-Peru (World Wide Fund for Nature) in order to strengthen joint initiatives related to the improvement of capacities, scientific research, collaboration and development of projects in the forestry sector.

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WCS participates in the II High Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
WCS participates in the II High Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade
News | Fauna

Colombia is the host country for the second edition of the High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade, which will take place in Cartagena de Indias between April 5 and 6. The participating Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will be with a delegation of experts, partners, and allies, who will share the results of studies and progress of the actions undertaken in the region based on their experience working on this issue.

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Five cities celebrated Wildlife in Ecuador
Five cities celebrated Wildlife in Ecuador
News | General

On Sunday, March 06, in Quito, Guayaquil, Riobamba, Ibarra and Tena, the third edition of the Cycle for World Wildlife Day was held, an event co-organized by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) together with Animal Protection Ecuador (PAE Ecuador) and the Quito Zoo, in collaboration with groups and organizations of civil society.

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