


The European Union visited experiences to combat the trafficking of wildlife and timber in the Loreto region
The European Union visited experiences to combat the trafficking of wildlife and timber in the Loreto region
News | Fauna

From March 6 to 9, 2023, representatives of the European Union in Peru visited experiences in the Peruvian Amazon that were implemented within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests to combat wildlife trafficking and promote legal origin timber. They also learned about the context of the region, including conservation actions that have been undertaken in the Loreto region.

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Super Alliances for Wildlife, an event dedicated to boys and girls
Super Alliances for Wildlife, an event dedicated to boys and girls
News | Fauna

At the beginning of March, in celebration of World Wildlife Day and International Women's Day, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in alliance with the Interactive Science Museum (MIC) organized two educational sessions to share with families the importance of wildlife and the contribution of women to conservation.

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Bus station celebrates World Wildlife Day with art
Bus station celebrates World Wildlife Day with art
News | Fauna

On Friday, March 3rd, in commemoration of World Wildlife Day and the 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), an event was held at the Terminal de Buses de La Paz (TBLP), with the inauguration of a mural by artist Norka Paz featuring frequently trafficked wild animals in the country.

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1,617 live animals were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil in the second half of 2022
1,617 live animals were seized in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil in the second half of 2022
News | Fauna

The report carried out by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) reveals that between July and December 2022, 192 news items were recorded about confiscations of live vertebrate wildlife, or its parts, of illegal origin, published on the information portals and social networks of the environmental authorities and government agencies.

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Workshops for the validation of protocols and technical standards related to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita" were held in Quito with the participation of different stakeholders
Workshops for the validation of protocols and technical standards related to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita" were held in Quito with the participation of different stakeholders
News | Fauna

On February 9 and 10 in Quito, the Biodiversity Directorate of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition (MAATE), with the support of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), organized and facilitated two spaces of discussion with representatives from public and private institutions, with the aim of socializing and validating the proposed protocols for the protection of wild animals in retention and seizure processes, and the technical standard to establish the minimum conditions that holders and caretakers of wild animals (means of conservation and ex situ management) must comply with in the country, in response to the sentence of the case "Mona Estrellita."

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Reflections on the challenges of environmental education in "Divergentes: Meeting of Education and Culture"
Reflections on the challenges of environmental education in "Divergentes: Meeting of Education and Culture"
News | Fauna

Guest panelists shared their experiences and projects related to environmental education and agreed on the need to promote diversified education, adapted to contexts, differentiated in its means and modalities, centered on learning, and appropriate to the various scenarios in which it takes place. Finally, WCS Ecuador shared information about the campaign "Tu Casa No Es Mi Hábitat" that seeks to raise awareness and discourage the purchase of wild animals as pets.

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"Divergentes," a meeting to reflect on education and culture
"Divergentes," a meeting to reflect on education and culture
News | Fauna

With the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Ibero-American Organization for Education, Science, and Culture (OEI), and WCS Ecuador, the Interactive Science Museum organizes the event "Divergentes: Meeting of Education and Culture" with the purpose of reflecting on and sharing experiences around the idea of educational transformation to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, in a context of increasing inequalities and climate crisis.

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Airports, terminals, and the postal system are strengthened to combat wildlife trafficking
Airports, terminals, and the postal system are strengthened to combat wildlife trafficking
News | Fauna

In the last quarter of 2022, the Ministry of the Environment and Water (MMAyA - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua), the Authority for the Regulation and Supervision of Telecommunications and Transport (ATT- Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes), the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC- Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil) and the Municipal Decentralized Entity Terminal of Buses ( EDMTB) of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz, with the support of WCS, agreed to improve activities for the detection, surveillance, and control of illegal wildlife trafficking to dismantle illegal wildlife supply chains at strategic points of transportation and prevent this crime.

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New book “Captives”: images that fight against the illegal wildlife trade
New book “Captives”: images that fight against the illegal wildlife trade
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“Cautivos” denounces the damage caused by bird trafficking in Bolivia with photographs by Daniel Alarcón (Spain) and David Grunbaum (Bolivia), authors of the book, and information provided by specialists from WCS and other allied organizations. Parrots, parakeets and macaws from trafficking and poaching are victims of the illegal trade to be used as pets, a practice that is driving the decline of their populations and causing the extinction of some species.

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