


Bolivia Enacts the Condor Law: A Milestone for Wildlife Conservation
Bolivia Enacts the Condor Law: A Milestone for Wildlife Conservation
News | Fauna

A milestone in wildlife preservation is achieved with the enactment of the Comprehensive Law for the Protection and Conservation of the Andean Condor. This law safeguards not only the Andean condor but all endangered fauna in Bolivia.

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WCS Works with Aviation to Prevent and Detect Wildlife Trafficking
WCS Works with Aviation to Prevent and Detect Wildlife Trafficking
News | Fauna Trafficking

In an interview with ALN NEWS, Yovana Murillo, manager of the WCS Wildlife Trafficking Counter Program, shares tactics and collaborations with the aviation industry. This joint effort aims to intercept and eradicate illegal wildlife trade, thus protecting the region's biodiversity through surveillance and control of air passenger and cargo transportation.

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International Green Film Festival Promotes Biodiversity Care
International Green Film Festival Promotes Biodiversity Care
News | Fauna

The La Paz 2023 International Green Film Festival took place at the Bolivian Cinematheque, where seven short films and a documentary were screened, focusing on promoting conservation activities for our biodiversity. The short film presented by WCS Bolivia, titled “You Can Lose Your Flight and Your Freedom”, shows the joint actions being carried out at Bolivia's airports to combat illegal wildlife trafficking at air transport points.

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International conference was held to prevent crimes against wildlife
International conference was held to prevent crimes against wildlife
News | Fauna Trafficking

Peru hosted the First International Conference on Wildlife Crime Prevention held from October 4 to 6, 2023. Different approaches and analytical frameworks from crime sciences were shared and discussed to address wildlife trafficking in the Andean Amazonian countries, emphasizing on crime prevention.

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The Tacana People are promoting a festival focused on the protection of biodiversity and the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking
The Tacana People are promoting a festival focused on the protection of biodiversity and the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking
News | Fauna Trafficking

In TCO Tacana I, the "Workshop on Awareness, Environmental Care, and Combatting Wildlife Trafficking" was held, organized by the Indigenous Council of the Tacana People (CIPTA) and the Indigenous Council of Tacana Women (CIMTA). The event was aimed at the participation of the community as a whole, especially the children of Tumupasa.

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Lecture Highlights the Importance of Airports' Role in Combating Wildlife Trafficking in Brazil
Lecture Highlights the Importance of Airports' Role in Combating Wildlife Trafficking in Brazil
News | Fauna

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) delivered a lecture on the role of airports in biodiversity conservation. The initiative is part of the Environment Day program at VINCI Airports and included participation from employees of the concessionaire working at seven airports in the region. The initiative aimed to alert employees about the risks of wildlife trafficking, reinforcing the role of airports in combating practices that directly harm the fauna and flora of Brazilian biomes.

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EU WAP Conference
EU WAP Conference
News | Fauna

The European Commission, the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) organised a conference on 'Scaling up EU Impact to Combat Wildlife Trafficking - Renewing commitment through the revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking 2022 - 2027' on 21 September 2023 in Brussels.

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 Meeting Discusses Integrated Protocol for Combating Wildlife Trafficking at the Triple Border Between Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina
Meeting Discusses Integrated Protocol for Combating Wildlife Trafficking at the Triple Border Between Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina
News | Fauna

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) combined efforts from its national programs in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina to discuss the fight against wildlife trafficking at the triple border between Latin American countries. The event brought together environmental authorities, security forces, and civil society for training and exchange of experiences, resulting in the development of a participatory protocol proposal to combat wildlife trafficking crime at the triple border.

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Over 8,000 specimens seized and 129 arrests in five countries, reports the biannual wildlife trafficking news monitoring by WCS in the Andes-Amazon Region
Over 8,000 specimens seized and 129 arrests in five countries, reports the biannual wildlife trafficking news monitoring by WCS in the Andes-Amazon Region
News | Fauna Fauna Trafficking

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), within the framework of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests, highlights the results of biannual news monitoring concerning wildlife seizures from January to June 2023. The figures reveal the ongoing threat faced by biodiversity in the Andean-Amazonian countries.

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