


Webinar for the International Day of Forests
Webinar for the International Day of Forests
Events Webinars Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Forests

How much do we care for the forests in Peru? Find out in this webinar various efforts that are made so that we can enjoy this important resource without damaging it. More importantly, learn how you too can get involved. Start taking action for the forests!

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Audiogram: From the forests, environmental defender Yacira Cartagena has a message for you
Audiogram: From the forests, environmental defender Yacira Cartagena has a message for you
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna Timber

Within the framework of the International Day of Forests, listen to the message of Yacira Cartagena, representative of the San Miguel del Bala community, TCO Tacana, Bolivia, who calls us to care for and preserve our common home.

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Audiogram: From the woods, environmental defender Arthur Cruz has a message for you
Audiogram: From the woods, environmental defender Arthur Cruz has a message for you
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna Timber

Within the framework of the International Day of Forests, listen to the message of Arthur Cruz Ochoa, head of the Huitoto Murui native community, Centro Arenal, Peru, who calls on us to care for and preserve our common home.

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On World Wildlife Day, guardians of the forests have a message
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna

Yacira Cartagena, representative of the San Miguel del Bala community, TCO Tacana, reminds us of the importance of conserving biodiversity and supporting indigenous peoples in the defense of forests.

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Ucayali: The National Forest Service of Peru presents a training program for community forest management
Ucayali: The National Forest Service of Peru presents a training program for community forest management
Webinars Events Multimedia | Forests Timber

The National Forest Service of Peru (SERFOR) of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation presented an intercultural training program for community forest management to contribute to developing and strengthening technical capacities in indigenous communities about sustainable management of forest resources.

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Virtual discussion “Conservation of the jaguar, opportunities, and challenges from the international articulation”
Virtual discussion “Conservation of the jaguar, opportunities, and challenges from the international articulation”
Multimedia Webinars | Fauna

Space for exchange and reflection between international experts involved in initiatives to deal with the threats faced by this feline. With the participation of representatives of the CITES Secretariat, The Transnational Crime Assistance Program Organized (El PAcCTO), and Wildlife Conservation Society experts.

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The Alliance for Wildlife and Forests
Audiovisual Material Multimedia | Fauna Timber

The great biodiversity of the Andean-Amazonian countries is threatened by the illegal and unsustainable extraction of wild animals and timber. Given this, WCS and WWF, financed by the European Union, implement the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests. Learn more about this initiative.

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Web Chat: Investigate and make visible the trafficking of wildlife and timber
Web Chat: Investigate and make visible the trafficking of wildlife and timber
Multimedia Webinars | Fauna Timber

Three journalists from the Andean-Amazonian countries shared their experiences on how to carry out committed and rigorous journalism that mobilizes citizens and authorities to act against trafficking networks that threaten biodiversity.

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Virtual discussion “On the trail of fauna and timber trafficking”
Virtual discussion “On the trail of fauna and timber trafficking”
Webinars Multimedia | Fauna Trafficking Timber trafficking

Presentation of the progress of the Alliance for Wildlife and Forests with key allies in Ecuador, with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water and the European Union in this country.

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